Buying When you click on the check out button, you will be transferred to the secure paypal window, where your order will be totaled, the shipping cost calculated, and credit card charged. If you decide not to buy, you can cancel the purchase during check out before you submit your payment. You do not need a paypal account. You can pay by credit card without one. Paypal will give you the option to create a paypal account. If you do not wish to open one, follow the directions for paying by credit card without an account. If you do not want to pay be credit card online, do not use the check out. You can e-mail your order to us. We will contact you with information for paying by check or money order. We cannot accept credit cards by phone. If you want to talk to us, email your phone number, and we will call you. If you need to return an item, please contact us within 3 business days after receiving it and ship it with tracking within 2 weeks. |
Thank you so much for sending out the jewelry so fast!
~ Trish
I don't like it. I LOVE it. Thanks
~ Shelley
Just received the jewelry it is beautiful. I love it. It goes perfect with the dress.
~ Cindy
...thank you for the speedy delivery (only 2 days) made this Valentine's Day special!
~ Jack